Thursday, October 15, 2009

Emergency Discussion

Madam Azimah, Ezzah and Ezaty were discussing about our pamphlets for the visit of YB Ahmad Razif Abd.Rahman. He will come to Le' Best on 19.10.2009.

Amirul or better known as Dedog was explaining to Faiz Padzil what will happen during the visit of YB Ahmad Razif Abd.Rahman.

Ya-Ha... This is my chance to discuss with Faiz Fathi and Izzat about the Nature's Enzyme. Sigh, they were not listening to me. Was I saying something that is boring? I guess, not. Look, Petai almost fall asleep when I my explanation was too long. Never mind then, it was helping me in remembering what Nature's Enzyme is.

Our leader, Fatin Fazzrini was discussing about Nature's Enzyme to Syuhada and Fairuz. I hope they were not gossiping.


superhero said...

haha..cdap chipme ngate org oe