Friday, October 16, 2009

Anti Dandruff or Hair Stylist???

Ya-Ha.. This is our demonstrator who wanna try our enzyme to be used on his hair. Let's see the effect..

Tadaaaa... He said his hair became softer. I think there is no more hair problem. We should suggest the shampoo brands such as Pantene, Head and Shoulders and so on to mix Nature's Enzyme in their products.

This is Hafizd or formerly known as Gallus Gallus Domesticus. He is also our demonstrator in using Nature's Enzyme on his hair. Nature's Enzyme not only can be used as hair shampoo but it can be used as hair gel as well. I suggest to him to stop buying the hair gel, instead use the Nature's Enzyme as his hair gel.


hafizd said...

knpe n name aku tu.......

€epζ0s said...

ntah -.-'

Anonymous said...

ha3.. pggl gallus2 dok staram..