Friday, August 7, 2009

The citrus fruit

The assistant,Faiz is putting the small pieces of citrus fruit into the container .There are a few pictures of putting the citrus fruits into the container by the SEM project's students.

The small pieces of citrus fruits were weighed. Their weight must be 1.5 kg.

The 0.5 kg brown sugar was put into the container that contains 5 litre of water.
Make sure the brown sugar dissolved properly in water by shaking the container.

Some pictures where the citrus fruits were cut into small pieces.

The process , where all the citrus fruits and citrus fruit's peels were cut into small pieces. Look at them, very passionate and concentrate on doing their work .

As usual, the brown sugar must be weighed . The weight of brown sugar must be 0.5 kg. Please measure the brown sugar carefully.

The citrus fruits peels and citrus fruits were collected to make the citrus fruit garbage enzyme. Picture above shows the citrus fruits such as pineapple, orange and lime that were used in making the garbage enzyme.


nick said...

wah!!alif zaidi..mmg sntiase bergaye....huhu

hafiz'd said...

mmg doh. mu mcm x knl pulak die. huhuhuhuhu....

syadat said...

kuat ngat ngumpt org..
klu gaye pon biala..
yg smat die bkn mu...

nick said...

bkn mgumpat tp knyataan..
haha..alif jgn mare yer..

Anonymous said...

sape bdk pompuan yg bju biru 2???

eiraz said...

ezzah n ella je pkai bj bru kls 2..

hafizd said...

tu ler ella... pakai baju mpp... lening bju mmp waran biru dah..